Tough love on a Friday?

Let's start this weekend.

Hello friends,

Thank you for sticking with me. I promise you will get a ton out of this newsletter, let’s keep this one light and super attainable. Sound good?

Cut the should!

Our inner dialogue determines how we live our lives and how we treat ourselves and our loved ones. Here’s is how to start:

“I should  could be productive…”

The dictionary defines “should” as:

used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.

(Even the dictionary tells us to stop)

Are you shoulding all over yourself lately?

Here’s why shoulding can be dangerous. When you use the word should, you say it’s OK to be your worst enemy. 

“Should” invites shame and criticism, so what’s an alternative?

How about could. The word “could” brings self-compassion and increases curiosity. Curiosity makes it much easier to be kind to ourselves.

You could even ask why. Maybe there’s a damn good reason you didn’t do the thing. Perhaps you wanted to do something else.

The words you choose, especially when talking to yourself, matter.

Choose them wisely. Be kind to yourself, and have an amazing weekend!

Reply here if you noticed it came up!

Jackie 🍉
Recovering Should-er