The Secrets to Hit 100

Do you want to live that long? Here's how.

Hi! I hope you had an amazing weekend.

The average lifespan in the US is 77 years old, so why are there five blue zones around the world that consistently live healthfully to 100 years old? And one is in the US.

Each of these places have their secrets.

Author of the Blue Zones, Dan Buettner, maps them out in his book and the new Netflix show, Live to 100. They tend to:

1) Make movement a natural part of your day.
2) Have a sense of purpose.
3) Make stress relief a priority.
4) Eat until about 80% full.
5) Focus on mostly plant-based eating.
6) Drink alcohol in moderation.
7) Connect with community.
8) Put family (biological or chosen) first.
9) Choose social circles that have healthy behaviors.

Now, we can’t all go move to these places, but I don’t see why they can’t be prioritized in more places right?

Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

If you check out the book or new Netflix special, and let me know what you think.

What, if anything, do you feel is lacking in your life? For me, it’s adding more community little by little.

Happy watching,
Jackie 📺