How to Reframe - Work Edition

But how do I change?

How to Reframe - Work Edition

Happy Friday! Today we reframe with a little help from NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming).

What the heck is that?

NLP teaches us how changing the way we perceive the world can lead us to adjust and adapt our behaviors in order to live the life we desire.

Today, let’s get into a common phrase for a reframe to seek your version of happiness with work.

Common phrase: “My job is depressing.”

Reframe: “I choose to do a job that I do not enjoy and as a result I produce the behavior of depression”

A job cannot be depressing. But you can feel that way working there, of course. I’ve worked at plenty of jobs that made me feel down, I’m talking crying in the bathroom down. I’ve had verbally abusive bosses that I stuck around for just to get the paycheck.

Moral of the story: It’s not worth it. You are worthy of more. 

So how can you shift gears? What would you do instead? I’m not saying to go quit your job today. We all have bills, I know.

Here are some ideas if you’re stuck:

  • Look at the words you use when you talk about your job.

  • See if a reframe like the one above can put things into perspective.

  • Pay attention to how your work is making you feel. Take note each day. Maybe you like certain aspects, but not others.

  • Take a cheap online class in something you’re interested in. Udemy is my favorite for affordability!

  • Start an activity that once brought you joy. Don’t stop.

Never forget that your job does not define you. And, you deserve to be happy in your home, job, and beyond. 

Unhappy in your job? What will you try to make moves? Reply here!

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Happy seeking,
Jackie 👁