Journal Techniques to Get Shit Done

How to Make Journaling Work for You

Hi, have you tried journaling but just can’t get into it? I used to do it once, then have 3 unopened journals staring at me months later.

Journaling is promoted for clearer thinking and mental health benefits, but I never gravitated to it until I learned this journaling method.

I learned these through an NLP course and they have been so helpful. I hope they are for you, too!

Purge on the Page to Achieve Your Goals

Step 1: Grab a pen and paper, and write whatever is on your mind at that second. It can be anything beyond words, scribbles, drawings, colorful symbols. This is to stimulate the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is ruled by suggestion, it accepts all suggestions – it does not argue with you – it fulfills your wishes.”

-Joseph Murphy 

Step 2: Write down two words about how you feel next to these ideas, one sensory sensation. IE: ‘confident, HOT’ If you’re knew to this, bear with me, there’s a good reason.

Step 3: Next, write 3 things you learned today and/or 3 good things that happened to you. Include a brief paragraph next to these about how those felt. Get it all out, if you want to write more, go for it.

Step 4: Last, write a quick paragraph to the future you telling yourself how you are doing and what you are going to do to either get more on track, move further forward, etc. Give them all a try, and see what works best for you.

And, that’s it. Journaling can be as messy or clearcut as you’d like. All that counts is you have something to reflect on the next time you pick it up. Sometimes, I’ll just use one or two, sometimes all four.

Journal what feels good.

Happy writing,
Jackie 📝