Here's the big bug story...

How to feed your microbiome for peak performance

Ready to talk bugs, the good and the bad? 😉 

Many trillions of bacteria live inside you-at least one for every cell.

The largest colonies live in our digestive system, and many beneficial species help us to survive.

"A human body is like a planet inhabited by huge numbers of various micro-creatures. The diversity and richness of this life on every one of us is as amazing as the life on Earth itself! Our digestive systems, skin, eyes, respiratory, and excretory organs coexist with trillions of invisible lodgers, making one ecosystem of macro- and micro-life living together in harmony. It's a symbiotic relationship where neither party can live without the other. Let me repeat this: we, humans, cannot live without these tiny micro-organisms, which we carry on and, in our bodies, everywhere."

-Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, from Gut and Psychology Syndrome

They provide a wide array of critical functions, like protecting our gut and intestinal walls from foreign invaders, facilitating the absorption of specific vitamins and minerals, improving digestive regularity, and eliminating harmful bacteria.

As long as beneficial bacteria diversity and populations are kept high in the body, harmful bacteria are typically controlled (and the immune system is kept calm and balanced).

Unfortunately, the typical American modern lifestyle can drive down beneficial bacteria to the point that opportunities for microbes to flourish and wreak havoc on the body, from constipation to behavior problems to compromised immune systems.

As a result, many Americans have compromised immune and digestive systems; their guts are a welcome haven for harmful bacteria (and resulting inflammatory illness or disease).

Too much sweetened food or processed carbohydrates, as well as medications and toxins in our food, increases the number of opportunistic fungi and bacteria and upsets the delicate microbial balance in the gut.

A strong, beneficial bacterial presence calms our immune system and often improves inflammatory symptoms (e.g., arthritis, general achiness/stiffness, IBS, bloating, depression, eczema).

Historically, people have eaten raw, fermented foods and have thus supplemented their daily diet with live, beneficial bacteria. Some European cultures eat sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) with sausages.

Historically, Indians eat yogurt (fermented milk) with curry and drink yogurt beverages (lassi) after meals. Koreans eat kimchi (fermented vegetables) with stir-fry. Japanese eat pickled ginger and soy sauce (fermented soybeans) with sushi.

Fermentation kept food usable longer and also nurtured our guts!

There are so many probiotic brands to choose from, so how do you know what is right for you? The truth is, everyone is different.

I’ve tried several brands that can be harsh, but I always go back to Probiotic Eleven. It’s super gentle and has been effective for many. I notice the different in my complexion when I skip it.

Most of us cannot get enough beneficial bacteria in our regular, modern diet. But we can supplement easily with cultured condiments or probiotics, dormant beneficial bacteria.

Most people benefit from a probiotic that includes many strains (not just one) and many bacteria.

Dr. Campbell-McBride, quoted above, recommends at least 8 billion per day.

Those with significant GI disorders may require significantly higher doses. Some can thrive on 8-10B/day, while others need more–50B or more than 400B CFUs/day. If you struggle with regularly loose stools, look for one that includes Saccharomyces Boulardii or Lactobacillus Plantarum.

Look for a brand with at least 50% Bifidobacterium species for constipation.

Be sure to start with a relatively low daily dose (<10B) and allow your body time to adjust (~2 weeks.) before increasing. Quality brands include Ultimate Flora, Nature's Sunshine, Metagenics, Jarrow, and Klaire Labs.

To your happy & healthy gut,
Jackie ðŸ¦