Are You an Empath? Here's How to Tell

Your guide to surviving as an empath

Hi, and Happy Friday, everyone!

Let's dive into the intriguing world of empaths and find the five key signs indicating you possess this unique and powerful gift.

1. Heightened Sensitivity: 

Have you been told since childhood that you are "too sensitive?" Empaths often pick up on subtle environmental cues and energies.

“She’s just too sensitive” was the theme throughout my life. I avoided so much because of it. It was easier to just stay in and stay safe. I’d always say things like I’m just an introvert. But I think a lot of introverts are also empaths!

They can be easily affected by the emotions of those around them, which may lead to feelings of overwhelming emotions without apparent cause.

2. Emotional Absorption: 

Empaths are natural emotional sponges. They have a unique ability to absorb the emotions of others, even unintentionally.

When someone close to an empath is experiencing strong feelings, they might feel those emotions, too, as if they were their own.

This empathic connection can be both a blessing and a challenge.

3. Intuition and Insight: 

Empaths often possess a heightened sense of intuition and insight into the thoughts and feelings of others.

They can sense something wrong with someone, even if they haven't shared their struggles.

This intuitive understanding allows empaths to offer valuable support and empathy to those in need.

4. Emotional Exhaustion: 

Empaths are prone to emotional exhaustion and burnout due to their emotional receptivity.

Constantly absorbing the feelings of others can take a toll on their mental and physical well-being.

Empaths must practice self-care, set healthy boundaries, and learn techniques to protect themselves from emotional overload.

5. Love for Nature and Animals: 

Many empaths deeply connect to nature and animals. Spending time outdoors can have a calming and rejuvenating effect on them.

Empaths often find solace and renewal in these environments, allowing them to recharge their emotional batteries.


If you resonate with these signs, you may have the wonderful gift of being an empath. I didn't always think it was a gift; more like a curse at first!

But understanding this trait can lead to a more fulfilling life for yourself and those around you.

Do you think you are an empath? This is an amazing book with many tips and tricks on using this trait as your superpower.

Reply here if you’d like some more resources for support like grounding videos and more!

With warm regards,
Jackie 🍉