Demon slayer?

Slaying manual inside

Happy almost Friday! What a time to talk about our inner demons, eh?

You might see them as triggers, annoyances, or all the shit you have to go through.

Let’s start by identifying how they affect our lives.

Because understanding them gives us power over them.

-Are you easily angered when something doesn’t go your way?
-Do you shut down with confrontation?
-When you start crying, does it seem like it’ll never end?
-Is it hard to cry?

If any of these are true, you may be fighting some demons.

Don’t panic. There is a technique by Renee LaVallee McKenna that helped me make them allies.

These transformative processes take you through 15 days of spiritual guidance to heal. This is not something we can do in one sitting, so I go back to these when I can.

There are times when I need to revisit my inner child so I’ll jump to day 6.

We are not what happened to us and we don’t have to live in that space.

There is a book to go along with it as well.

This is not a one size fits all. We are spiritual beings going through a human experience, so never feel bad to reach out for help- in whatever way feels good for you. Your intuition is your BFF.

If this resonates, I would love to hear from you!

Much love
Your fellow inner demon slayer,
Jackie 🗡️