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Too busy to meditate? Here's how it can create more time

Get the ins and outs of meditation, and find out what it can do for you.

Hi, and happy Friday!

You have a zillion things to do, so who has time to meditate? Maybe you've tried it and thought, I can't sit still; I can't shut my brain off, so you never returned to it.

If you've felt that way, I hear you. I've been there. Let's dive into the pros of meditation and see what it can do for the busybody.

5 Benefits of Regular Meditation

The key word here is regular. Meditation has the most benefits when it's a consistent habit, even if it's only 5 minutes a day.

1) Reduces stress and controls anxiety

2) Enhances self awareness

3) Increases attention span

4) Improves sleep quality

5) Can decrease blood pressure and control pain

New to Meditation? Here are Some Apps and Tips

There are a few great meditation apps: Insight Timer (always free) and Headspace (free for 14 days).

If you'd rather skip the apps, you can also try sitting in a quiet space and focusing on your breath for a few minutes. Don't feel like you need to shut off your brain. Thoughts will come and go. Your only job is to observe and breathe. 

Giving yourself time away from distractions can bring fantastic insight and give you more time to think clearly.

I realized that when I don't have 20 minutes set aside, I do it for 5, but I wind up more stressed and anxious, leading to less of what I want to do.

And that’s why this quote resonated so much.

“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. Unless you're too busy, then you should sit for an hour.”

-Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon

What are your thoughts on meditation? Reply here!

Happy meditating🧘,