Are You Breathing Right? 🤯

Get a few tricks just to make sure.

Hi, happy weekend! Here’s to some good a** breathing. 😉 

Did you know 80% of the population have a breathing dysfunction and have developed poor tendencies over the years?

Here are a few quick tips before getting started:

  • Always breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Breathing through the mouth can increase panic because it puts a lot of stress on the vagus nerve.

  • When breathing through the nose, push the belly out. When exhaling, suck the belly in. (Video below) This may feel weird at first if you’re not used to it, but over time, it’ll come naturally.

  • Breathe like a baby. As babies, we know how to breathe, but as time goes on, we tend to forget due to life’s stressors, increasing anxiety.

Top Four Breathing Methods:

1) 2-1 Breathing:
All this means is your going to double the time you breathe out vs. in. So if you breathe in for 3, breathe out for 6. When rushed, breathing becomes shallow.

2) Alternate Nostril Breathing:
Here, you’ll use your ring finger and thumb interchangeably. Check out this quick video to learn how.

3) Box Breathing:
Just remember 4 squared. The four at the end is just to break before starting again. The Navy Seals even use this method for all the benefits! My personal favorite.

4) 4-7-8 Breath: 
Inhale through the nose for 4, hold at the top for 7, and breathe out through the mouth for 8. This is a great way to get to sleep fast. All you need is just 2-4 times, as this can make you woozy with too much!

The breath is just one part of healing, but it can make a huge difference.

Did you find this helpful? If so, share it to your friends and family! The more we all find mind/body regulation, the better off we’ll be. 🙂 Reply here with your favorite one.

Happy Breathing,